Friday, January 21, 2011

Apricot season

Mid summer brings with it the arrival of one of my favourite stone fruits, apricots. The best kind always come from backyard trees and are no comparison in flavour to the commercial variety. They just don't cut it. After picking a few boxes off Trish's tree, I've made a couple of these apricot frangipane tarts, with the rest about to be quickly stewed in a vanilla sugar syrup as a delicious breakfast treat. It is going to be a lovely weekend, enjoy!


Karen Barbé said...

Hello Carla,
Came here through shipbuilding blog. I'm loving your pictures and work. And your logo! It's supernice!

Best wishes.

Carla said...

Hi Karen, thank you and likewise. I just had a look at your blog and website and I love the simple white design of everything, and your work. Oh and ditto on your label design! Looking forward to seeing more.